Please complete the application below, bear in mind that there are no right or wrong answers to the questions in this application. Our goal is to find the most suitable dog for your home, family and lifestyle; the more we know about your preferences, the better we are able to make the perfect match. A $25.00 processing fee is required for all adoption/foster applications. The fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee future dog availability. It is needed to help us to defray the cost of completing the application process. When you click submit you will be prompted to pay the fee via our paypal/dontate link.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Is this an application to Adopt or Foster?* Choose one: Adopt Foster
Do you live in FL full-time or part-time? Choose one: Full-time Part-time
Do you prefer text or phone call?
Best time to reach you. (We cannot reach you by phone if you block numbers that are not in your contacts list.) *
Please enter the age of the applicant.*
When will you be ready to adopt/foster?*
Do you have any upcoming vacations/time away from home planned? If yes, when?*
Are you interested in a specific dog? If not, you may skip this question. Choose an animal: Jack 742 Lady 942 Willow 1315 Wybie 1291
If this dog is not available, or not suitable, would you consider another dog?
Due to the high number of dogs needing homes we try to accomodate potential adopters who might be interested in fostering a dog with the intention of adopting that dog, assuming it proves to be a good fit. Families fostering a dog always have first priority for adopting the dog they are fostering. Would you be interested in this?*
Is this your first Golden Retriever?
Why did you choose a Golden? *
What other dog breeds have you owned?
Rescued Goldens vary in age. What age will you consider?
Would you consider a senior (8 or older) Golden?
What gender do you prefer?
Would you consider a special needs Golden, such as one that may require medication for a permanent but controlled condition?
Would you consider a Golden mix?
Would you be interested in adopting a dog brought from overseas at an adoption fee higher than our normal fees?
What activity level are you looking for in this adoption/foster?
What would be your ideal dog to adopt or foster?
Do you currently have pets in your home?
If Yes, please provide the name, gender, breed, age and date of birth for each pet. If age and date of birth are unknown, give an approximate age. Applications submitted without complete pet information will be returned. If you do not currently have pets, enter N/A.*
Have your pet(s) been spayed/neutered?* Choose one: Yes No
If any of your pet(s) are not spayed/neutered, please identify the pet(s) and explain why.
If any of your pets passed away within the last three years, please provide the name, gender, breed, date of birth and date of passing for that pet. If date of birth was unknown, give an approximate age at date of passing.
Did/do you use Heartworm prevention? What brand? How often? NOTE: If you cannot prove a minimum 3-year continuous history of administering a heartworm preventive, please do not submit this application unless the dog is younger than three or you haven't had him/her that long. We will not approve any application without this history.*
Did/do you use a flea/tick preventative?
Have you ever been warned, fined or sanctioned for animal abuse or cruelty? If yes, explain.*
Have you ever given up a pet? If yes, please explain.*
Please provide the names and ages of all people who will be living with the dog, including the applicant and children. *
Occupation(s) of adult(s). *
Is the dog for an:
Are there children in your home?
Are there grandchildren who visit on a regular basis?
Were the children/grandchildren raised with a dog?
Rate the children’s/grandchildren's behavior with pets:
Does anyone in your home have allergies to pets?
Do you rent or own your home?* Choose one: Rent Own
In what type of home do you live?* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you live in an HOA or similar association/deed-restricted community?
Owners: Will your HOA/community allow the size and number of pets that you would have after your foster/adoption? (It is strongly recommended that you confirm this response in writing with your HOA President, etc.)
Renters: Your landlord or HOA must allow you to have the size and number of pets that you would have after your foster/adoption. Landlord or HOA approval must be emailed to before we can process your application. * Choose one: Understood N/A
Describe your yard: * Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Fenced on all Sides
What is your approximate yard size?*
What type of fence do you have? Note: Lanais and pool cages are not considered fencing. * Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible Fence Open/Split Rail Secured Farm/Ranch N/A
What is the height of the fence*
Please provide any additional information about your fence e.g. if you selected Yard Partially Fenced, does this mean that your yard contains a securely fenced area?
Do you have a dog door?
Can the dog door be locked?
What area does the dog door open into? Describe the area or enter N/A.
If you have a dog door, will the dog have access when you are not home or unable to supervise the dog? If you do not have a dog door enter N/A.
Do you have a swimming pool?
If you have a pool, will the dog be allowed to swim in it?
Is your home adjacent to a pond, lake, canal or other body of water?
If you live near a body of water, will the dog be allowed to swim in it?
Are you an active individual/family?
How will you provide the exercise this dog requires?
Will the animal be kept inside or outside* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
How will the dog be managed when outside?*
Where will the dog be kept during the day? *
Where will the dog be kept when you are home?
Where will the dog be kept when you are not home?*
Will the dog be allowed to remain outside when you are not home?*
Where will the dog sleep at night? *
Will your dog be allowed on the furniture?
Will your dog be allowed on the bed?
Will your dog have access to the entire home?
How much time will the dog spend alone during the day?*
What will you do with your dog while you are on vacation? *
Describe how you will train the dog.*
Will you use a crate?
Do you plan to train your dog yourself?
If you plan to take your dog to a trainer or an obedience school, which one? Enter name or N/A.*
Vet Information is REQUIRED. We will not process your application if details are not provided. Please list COMPLETE NAME(s) AND PHONE NUMBER(s) for your current and previous Vet(s) as they relate to the name, gender, breed, age and date of birth of pet(s) that are/were in the Vet’s care. You may provide just the pet name(s) if complete pet information was already provided in this application. Be sure to give your Vet(s) the authorization to release information to GRRSWF. *
Have you provided consent to your Vet/s so they may release pet records to GRRSWF?
A minimum three year history is required for pet records. We will not approve any application when Vet records show lapses in coverage for required vaccinations, heartworm testing or purchase of heartworm preventive that were not on advice of your Vet. If you choose to not vaccinate regularly, please explain your protocol/strategy:
How did you find out about Golden Retriever Rescue of Southwest Florida, Inc.? *
Please add any information that you feel would be meaningful or assist us in processing your application.
Golden Retriever Rescue of Southwest Florida