Golden Retriever (medium coat) : : Male : : Young : : Medium
Learn more about the Golden Retriever.
Fraser is a one to two year old healthy boy. He loves people and is a leaner and a kisser. He is great with other dogs and very respectful of cats. He is potty trained. He will counter surf and has to learn what items are appropriate as toys. He also gets on furniture. He is energetic and will need an active family that enjoys walking or running. A fenced yard is preferred for Fraser. Fraser is a smaller golden, only weighing 46 pounds. His foster mom says, "He is a sweet, sweet boy and will make someone a wonderful pet."
This dog is currently in one of our wonderful Foster Homes for evaluation and lots of love. All of our dogs stay in their Foster Homes for a minimum two week evaluation period, then remain there until their Forever Home finds them. All GRRSWF dogs have undergone an full examination by a veterinarian and any health concerns have been addressed. All dogs are current on vaccines, have been tested for heartworm and intestinal parasites, and are provided with monthly heartworm and flea/tick preventatives for the duration of their time with us.
If you are interested in learning more about this dog, please contact us at, or you can read about our adoption process in detail and download an application from our website at
More about FraserGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Adults, Somewhat vocal, Requires a yard, Playful, Affectionate