Labrador Retriever / Golden Retriever / Mixed (short coat) : : Male : : Young : : Large
Learn more about the Labrador Retriever. Learn more about the Golden Retriever.
Peter is a 3 year old, 65lb Lab and Golden mix. Peter is very friendly and very energetic His foster says he has two personalities, adorably sweet or hyper crazy! He must have a fenced yard and due to his vocalizations cannot be in an apartment or condo. He likes to "talk" a lot. Peter is good with cats and dogs, however at this time we are asking for him to be the only dog. He LOVES dogs but does not understand boundaries and plays too rough. Cats are ok. Peter likes children, but they need to be over 10. He will knock over small children and still is mouthy at times. Peter does need a crate because he will chew on anything he can get to. He walks well on a leash and enjoys jogs. With training and patience, Peter will be an amazing companion. He is just still a giant puppy that needs direction. Email for an application More about Peter 966Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Very vocal, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Playful, Affectionate, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle